Fighting this beast like a warrior

Fighting this beast like a warrior

Friday, January 14, 2011

Will the Itching Ever Stop?

God, I hope so. I mean it, God make it so. It's driving me crazy. It kept me up last night and makes it hard to concentrate on anything else. I know it's good, I know it means I am healing, but man oh man it is hard to take. I talked to the acupuncturist and she told me I just have to wait. She also told me there are some people who suffer terribly from itching as a long term symptom. That's terrible.

I did not really sleep last night- if I did it was very lightly. Mary and Pat had the same problem. Must be the moon. I tried to sleep in, but just laid there and that was that. I had reflexology in my own bed, which only makes it more heavenly. I did 10 minutes on the treadmill and had a very nice visit from Sandy and Avy. Avy was really visiting Bennett, but it was so nice to see them.

I have been eating up a storm. I had Mary-made Chinese tonight, with a promise of Pad Thai for tomorrow. I must be in heaven. It's so nice to eat after such a long time. But, I have to say, it's also nice to know that I can be that restricted and make it through. That just may be the theme for today- making it through to the other side. I feel like I've made big strides in regaining my health -mental too. I think that not being able to eat and being so worried about my digestion was harder on me than I realized. I am out the other side of this surgery, and I can anticipate the day I get to pick Bennett up. She is ready too. She keeps asking if today is the day. I can have her on my lap fairly comfortably, but not for very long. She had been incredibly gentle with me- she really sees and hears everything. I love her so much, even more for her gentleness.

Not much else to say. It was a very nice mellow day. Here's to nice mellow weekend for us all.


  1. So nice to hear such calm in you" voice". ENJOY. If gratitude is as healing as they say, you'll be dancing a jig in no time. Love to you all.

  2. It was so great to see you yesterday, Ruth. Enjoy your Pad Thai tonight!
